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Minneapolis Food Poisoning Lawyer

Headshot of Alan Milavetz

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Alan Scott Milavetz


When Tainted Food Leads To Life-Altering Illness

Food poisoning is not simply a matter of bad luck — it’s a matter of negligence and liability. When meat packers, food manufacturers, restaurants or grocery stores engage in practices that result in tainted food being passed on to consumers, they can be held liable for injuries and fatalities that occur as a result.

While some forms of food poisoning result in short-term gastrointestinal problems, others can cause miscarriages in pregnant women, permanent damage to the gastrointestinal tract, organ failure, and fatalities in young children and elderly people. At the Minnesota law office of Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., our attorneys work with trusted medical experts, toxicologists, food safety experts and inspectors in exposing wrongdoing.

We regularly handle cases involving:

  • Health code violations
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Contaminated frozen foods
  • Tainted beef
  • Back-dated fish, pork, poultry, beef and other meats
  • Contamination involving E. coli, salmonella, listeria or trichinosis
  • Hepatitis or other infections caused by infected waiters or cooks who spit on food, urinate and don’t wash their hands or otherwise contaminate food
  • Animal feces or parts in food

The Cost Of Food Poisoning

Serious medical complications due to food poisoning can result in thousands of dollars in medical bills and lost wages. Our attorneys understand the financial toll involved in these cases. We regularly enlist medical economists who can accurately quantify costs associated with foodborne illnesses and wrongful death.

Proving Your Case

There are several deadly toxins and bacteria that can be passed on through foodborne illnesses. These toxins and bacteria have been linked to food poisoning fatalities and serious medical complications. For example:

  • E. coli O157:H7 is responsible for producing the Shiga toxin that damages the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Botulism, a nerve toxin that has been found in dairy products, leads to paralysis and death when left untreated.
  • The staphylococcus bacteria and bacillus cereus type 1 also create life-threatening toxins as they multiply. In many cases, these toxins lead to organ failure and death, especially in young children and the elderly.

n each case, there are known, physiological reactions and compounds produced by these bacteria and toxins. Using medical tests, health records and lab results from kitchen and food products, we establish a strong chain of evidence linking our client’s injuries to tainted food sources.

Get Help

In the aftermath of a severe or fatal case of food poisoning, you deserve answers. Call our firm at 763-560-0000 to speak with an attorney. We will evaluate your case and determine what we can do for you.

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