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Settling My Personal Injury Claim

Headshot of Alan Milavetz

Content Reviewed by:

Alan Scott Milavetz


What To Expect When It Comes To Personal Injury Settlements

The accident that resulted in your injury has left you with a complicated mess to clean up. You may still be sorting through dozens of unexpected health care bills. You might have been forced to take time off work, which means that you aren’t getting paid as the bills continue to pile up. Meanwhile, you may be adjusting to a new way of life as you learn to maneuver through daily tasks with limited mobility or other restrictions.

For this, and so many more reasons, you deserve compensation.

What Goes Into A Successful Settlement

Many people mistakenly believe that by filing a personal injury claim, they will ultimately have to go to trial. Fortunately, that isn’t the case. The vast majority of claims are resolved through out-of-court settlements that spare you the stress, delays and expense of trial.

However, it takes an experienced attorney to negotiate a favorable settlement — one that fully addresses your financial needs without leaving money on the table. At Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., we will draw on 50-plus years of personal injury experience to advocate for your interests. You can rely on us for honest guidance on your options — including the possibility of settlement.

Understanding The Dynamics Of Settlement

Settling a claim isn’t giving up (or giving in). To the contrary, in many cases, it’s a wise choice for numerous reasons:

  • Accepting a settlement means avoiding trial. Courtroom battles can be emotionally and physically exhausting for you — especially when you’re already dealing with the stressful aftermath of an injury. A settlement also spares you the delays and uncertainties of trial, enabling you to move forward with life and put this painful chapter behind you.
  • Going to trial has risks. It’s never a sure thing. Even with a team of accomplished lawyers and a seemingly bulletproof case, you could end up losing — or walking away with far less than you deserve. With a settlement, you can avoid that risk, opting instead for a sure thing.
  • Insurance companies and other defendants often have incentives to settle the case. Doing so spares them the legal fees, publicity and potential exposure of trial. With the right lawyer, you can use this fact to your advantage at the bargaining table.

Our lawyers know how to leverage these dynamics in your favor. You can count on us to invest the time, resources and effort to give your case the strongest possible foundation for success.

If Settlement Negotiations Fail

Every case — and every client — is different. If the other side refuses to budge, you may decide to go to trial. From the outset, we will prepare your case with the evidence and arguments necessary to withstand the test of trial, in case that need arises.

Our lawyers can advise you on the risks and benefits of each approach. Ultimately, however, the decision whether to accept a settlement is yours.

You can trust that our experienced personal injury attorneys will work in your best interests throughout the entire process, allowing you to focus on the rest and recovery that you need during this difficult time.

Find Out More During A FREE Consultation

Learn more about what goes into settling a personal injury claim — and what course of action is right for your case. We can be reached via phone at 763-560-0000 or on our website. You can schedule a free, confidential consultation at one of our convenient locations in the Twin Cities area (including Brooklyn Center, Coon Rapids, Minneapolis, Saint Paul and St. Peter). We look forward to hearing from you.

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