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Minneapolis Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Drunk driving accidents injure thousands of Minnesotans every year.  You have legal options after a drunk driver has injured you. The drunk driving accident lawyers at Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., are here to help. For 60 years, we have stood up for injured people, winning more than $500 million in settlements over the decades.
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Alan Scott Milavetz


Drinking and driving is a dangerous and potentially deadly decision. Still, countless people choose to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol every day. Often, those hit by a drunk driver face life-altering or deadly consequences.

If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, you shouldn’t have to bear the burden of someone else’s reckless behavior. By pursuing compensation and accountability, you can not only reduce the financial strain but also get the resources to move forward from this traumatic event.

The Minneapolis drunk driving accident lawyers at Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., offer a free case evaluation. It’s confidential and has no obligation. One of our attorneys will listen to your specific situation and advise on your potential legal options.

Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys in Minnesota

For over six decades in Minnesota, Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., has stood up for the rights of injured people. By exercising dedication, compassion, and legal skill, we have recovered over $500 million in personal injury settlements for people in this state. If you are seeking legal help after the tragedy of a drunk driving accident, you can trust the attorneys at our firm.

Injuries from Drunk Driving Accidents

The impact of a drunk driving accident can leave you with severe, long-lasting injuries. You may need ongoing medical care and support long after the car accident.

Drunk driving accident injuries result from many factors in a collision. The force of impact when the car suddenly stops can cause the body to jolt or whip around. Damage to vehicles can lead to dangerous debris, which seriously hurts passengers and drivers. Because of the wide variety of accident scenarios, it’s almost impossible to list all the hazards that can happen during these tragic collisions.

Among the injuries people commonly suffer from drunk driving accidents are the following:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Amputations
  • Brain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Paralysis
  • Lacerations
  • Burns and disfigurement
  • Chronic pain
  • Psychological injuries

While many physical injuries heal, some leave people with permanent disability or loss of function. Even if you’re feeling better physically, the lasting trauma of the accident and the long road to physical recovery can mean your medical and therapeutic needs can go on for a long time.

After serving injured people for 60 years in Minnesota, the attorneys at Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., recognize that people can need extensive support after a drunk driving accident.

Liability in Drunk Driving Accidents

Drivers in Minnesota must carry personal injury protection, or PIP, insurance, so there’s coverage regardless of who caused the accident. However, PIP only covers certain out-of-pocket losses from a car accident, such as medical bills and lost wages. Any injuries or losses not covered by PIP are the at-fault driver’s responsibility.

If the other driver was negligent and didn’t exercise reasonable care while driving, they are potentially responsible for injuries and losses. If the driver who hit your car was drunk, this is evidence they did not show due care while behind the wheel and are at fault for the accident.

You might also be able to sue the bar or restaurant that served the other driver alcohol if their actions violated Minnesota’s dram shop laws. Those laws hold responsible establishments that serve alcohol to obviously intoxicated people.

Another form of liquor liability in Minnesota is social host liability, where a party host can be legally responsible for those under 21 who drink in their home.

As personal injury lawyers who live in your community and have cared for people hurt by drunk drivers for decades, the DUI accident lawyers at Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., can identify who is responsible for your accident and pursue the compensation you deserve.

How Can An Attorney Help Prove Someone Was Driving Under the Influence?

You might notice another driver was drunk or under the influence during the accident. If you see them exit their vehicle, they might have physical signs such as the following:

  • Slurred speech
  • Red, watery eyes
  • Trouble keeping balance
  • Smell of alcohol

If possible, you can take a video or photos of the driver as further evidence. Sometimes, a nearby security or surveillance camera might also have footage of the accident that shows signs of intoxication.

Before an accident, you can sometimes spot signs of a drunk driver if they are swerving, tailgating, or weaving in and out of traffic lanes. Slow response time, movements inconsistent with traffic signals, or abrupt turns are other signs of intoxication.

After an accident, other drivers can provide testimony of the erratic driving they witnessed. You might also provide your account of how the driver was acting.

Always report your accident to the police immediately. The police will investigate and conduct tests to determine if the other driver was intoxicated. Important evidence of driver intoxication is blowing 0.08 on a breathalyzer. In addition, Minnesota prohibits anyone under 21 from driving after they have had any alcohol. This is known as the “not-a-drop” law.

Damages for Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents

The medical bills can quickly mount while you are recovering from a drunk driving accident. You might not be able to work or care for loved ones. Your focus should be on recovery.

Unfortunately, PIP probably won’t cover all of the losses you experience. A drunk driving accident attorney can discuss other legal options, such as suing the driver who caused the collision.

Victims of drunk driving accidents can pursue three different kinds of damages:

  • Economic: These are monetary losses you suffered from the accident, such as medical bills for treatment and rehabilitation. You can also claim wages lost because of time you had to take away from work.
  • Non-economic: These losses are hard to quantify with money, such as pain, suffering, and psychological trauma.
  • Punitive: These aim to punish the at-fault driver or other responsible party and prevent the behavior from happening again.

If you have lost a loved one because of a drunk driver, you can also bring a wrongful death claim for damages connected to the loss of that person.

How Common Are Drunk Driving Accidents in Minnesota?

Unfortunately, drunk driver accidents happen regularly in Minnesota. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, 2,228 people suffered injuries in alcohol-related car accidents in this state in 2021.

In that same year, 74 Minnesotans died because of impaired driving. In addition to alcohol, prescription and street drugs can also cause impaired driving accidents.

What To Do After an Accident With A Drunk Driver

After you’ve experienced a car accident with a drunk driver, here are some quick tips:

  • Seek medical attention. If an ambulance attends on-scene, listen to medical advice and convey all your symptoms. If no ambulance is on-site, go to your nearest emergency room.
  • File a police report. Tell the police everything you can remember, including whether there were signs the other driver was intoxicated.
  • Exchange insurance information. Try to get insurance information from other parties involved in the crash.
  • Keep photos and notes of the scene. If you can, get the names and contact information of any witnesses.
  • Call a DUI accident attorney. As soon as possible, contact a drunk driving accident attorney.

Above all else, take care of yourself and others involved in the collision by putting your health and safety first. Follow all recommendations from medical professionals.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney At Milavetz Injury Law, P.A.

If you or a loved one was harmed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver in Minneapolis, our lawyers at Milavetz Injury Law, P.A., are here to help.

Call us today at 763-560-0000 or complete a form online to schedule a free consultation. Meeting with us comes with no obligation, so you are free to discuss all of your concerns with one of our attorneys.

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